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Let's just say that I regretted it. The chances of finding someone as a lurker or a fringe member will be very remote. In contrast, one comparative study from 1974 and 1980 showed 7. A survey suggested that about 40% of furries had attended at least one furry convention.

Most furry fans claim that these media portrayals are misconceptions, while the recent coverage focuses on debunking myths and stereotypes that have come to be associated with the furry fandom. You said it yourself. So the questions, Is there any good ones? Then you'd find out she's actually 16...

/fur/ - Furry - When compared with the general population, homosexuality and bisexuality are over-represented in the furry fandom by about a factor of 10. An earlier survey, conducted from 1997 to 1998, reported about 2% of furry respondents stating an interest in , and less than 1% an interest in sexually aroused by stuffed animal toys.

The furry fandom is a interested in animal characters with human personalities and characteristics. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, speaking, walking on two legs, and wearing clothes. Furry fandom is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at. This led to the formation of a discussion group that met at and. However, fans consider the origins of furry fandom to be much earlier, with fictional works such as released in 1965, ' novel , published in 1972 and its , as well as as oft-cited examples. During the 1980s, furry fans began to publish fanzines, developing a diverse social group that eventually began to schedule social gatherings. By 1989, there was sufficient interest to stage the first furry convention. It was called Confurence 0, and was held at the Holiday Inn Bristol Plaza in Costa Mesa, California. The next decade, the Internet became accessible to the general population and became the most popular means for furry fans to socialize. The furry fandom is male-dominated, with surveys reporting around 80% male respondents. Allegorical novels, including works of both and , and cartoons featuring anthropomorphic animals are often cited as the earliest inspiration for the fandom. Sculpture at Fans with craft skills create their own plush toys, sometimes referred to as , and also build elaborate called , which are worn for fun or to participate in parades, convention , dances, or fund-raising charity events as entertainers. Fursuits range from designs featuring simple construction and resembling to those with more sophisticated features that include moving jaw mechanisms, parts, , and other features. While about 80% of furries do not own a full fursuit, often citing their expensive cost as the decisive factor, a majority of them hold positive feelings towards fursuiters and the conventions in which they participate. Furry fans also pursue , recording videos and performing live shows such as and the , and create furry , such as ears or tails. For the 2016 documentary film, see. Anthropomorphic animal characters created by furry fans, known as fursonas, are used for in , on , or on. A variety of species are employed as the basis of these personas, although many furry fans for example over 60% of those surveyed in 2007 choose to identify themselves with. The longest-running online furry role-playing environment is , which was established in 1990. Many furry fans had their first exposure to the fandom come from multiplayer online role-playing games. There are also several furry-themed areas and communities in the. Fursuits or furry accessories are sometimes used to enhance the experience. Conventions Furry fans prepare for a race at Midwest FurFest 2006 Sufficient interest and membership has enabled the creation of many furry conventions in and. A furry convention is for the fans get together to buy and sell artwork, participate in workshops, wear costumes, and socialize. Another convention, , held in each January, closely follows Anthrocon in scale and attendance. The first known furry convention, , is no longer held; Califur has replaced it, as both conventions were based in. A survey suggested that about 40% of furries had attended at least one furry convention. Websites and online communities The Internet contains a multitude of furry websites and online communities, such as art community websites Fur Affinity, Inkbunny, SoFurry and Weasyl; social networking sites Furry 4 Life, FurNation; and WikiFur, a collaborative furry. These, with the FurNet and Anthrochat, form a key part of furry fandom. There are several featuring animal characters created by or for furry fans; as such, they may be referred to as. One such comic, , was first published on in 1986, predating the by several years, while another, by , has been awarded both a and an Ursa Major Award. The phrases furry lifestyle and furry lifestyler first appeared in July 1996 on the newsgroup alt. The Usenet newsgroup alt. For the film festival also known as YIFF, see. Wikimedia Commons has media related to. When compared with the general population, homosexuality and bisexuality are over-represented in the furry fandom by about a factor of 10. Of the US population, about 1. In contrast, according to four different surveys 14—25% of the fandom members report homosexuality, 37—52% bisexuality, 28—51% heterosexuality, and 3—8% other forms of alternative sexual relationships. Approximately half of the respondents reported being in a relationship, of which 76% were in a relationship with another member of furry fandom. Examples of sexual aspects within furry fandom include erotic art and furry-themed. Sexual attraction to furry characters is a polarizing issue. In one survey with 4,300 furry respondents, 37% answered that sexual attraction is important in their furry activities, 38% were ambivalent, and 24% answered that it has little or nothing to do with their furry activities. The survey specifically avoided adult-oriented websites to prevent bias. Another survey found that 96. Furries have a slight preference for pornographic furry artwork over non-pornographic artwork. A portion of the fandom is sexually interested in sex with animals , although a majority take a negative stance towards it. An anonymous survey in 2008 found 17% of respondents reported zoophilia. An earlier survey, conducted from 1997 to 1998, reported about 2% of furry respondents stating an interest in , and less than 1% an interest in sexually aroused by stuffed animal toys. The older, lower results, which are even lower than estimated in the general population, were due to the methodology of questioning respondents face-to-face, which led to. In contrast, one comparative study from 1974 and 1980 showed 7. Fictional portrayals of furry fandom have appeared on television shows such as , , , Sex2K on , , , , and. Most furry fans claim that these media portrayals are misconceptions, while the recent coverage focuses on debunking myths and stereotypes that have come to be associated with the furry fandom. She learned that the restrictions were intended to prevent misinformation, and reported that the scandalous behavior she had expected was not evident. Recent coverage of the furry fandom has been more balanced. Several downtown Pittsburgh businesses welcome furries during the event, with local business owners creating special T-shirts and drawing paw prints in chalk outside their shops to attract attendees. Positive coverage was generated following a that was held in a hotel where a number of were being temporarily housed. Despite some concerns and warnings by staff that there could be a seriously negative culture clash if the two groups interacted, the refugee children were on the whole delighted to meet the convention goers who seemed like cartoon characters come to life. According to Furry survey, about half of furries perceive public reaction to the fandom as negative; less than a fifth stated that the public responded to them more negatively than they did most furries. An anthropomorphic vixen female , a typical furry character The International Anthropomorphic Research Project, a team of social scientists from various disciplines led by Plante, Reysen, Roberts, and Gerbasi, has been collecting data on the furry fandom using numerous methodologies. Their 2016 publication collects several peer-reviewed and self-published studies into a single volume. Among their findings: The average adult furry is between 23—27 years of age, with more than 75% of adult furries reporting being 25 years of age or younger, and 88% of adult furries being under the age of 30. Minors were not included in the study for professional ethics reasons. Religion: 54% of furries self-identified as atheist or agnostic, 23% as Christian, 4% as Pagan, 2% as Wiccan, and the remainder identified with other religions. More than 95% of furries have a fursona — an anthropomorphic avatar or representation of themselves. Nearly half of furries report that they have only ever had one fursona to represent themselves; relatively few furries have had more than three or four fursonas; in part, this is due to the fact that, for many furries, their fursonas are a personally significant, meaningful representation of their ideal self. The most popular fursona species include wolves, foxes, dogs, large felines, and dragons. Data suggest that there are generally no associations between personality traits and different fursona species. Reading the Rabbit: Explorations in Warner Bros. Retrieved 28 June 2018. Archived from on 2007-09-27. Archived from PDF on 2013-09-04. Critter Costuming: Making Mascots and Fabricating Fursuits. Archived from on 2007-01-26. Social Computing Group, Microsoft. Zeit Online Zuender in German. Developing Online Games: An Insider's Guide. It features avatars who are anthropomorphic animals. Archived from on 2007-02-04. Many furs' first introduction to the fandom is through on-line MUCKs or MOOs, such as Furry Muck, the graphic FurCadia, or even through sites that try to poke fun at the fandom, such as Something Awful, or Portal of Evil. Guinness World Records 2008. Archived from on April 14, 2009. Web Cartoonist's Choice Awards. Archived from on 2010-04-21. Archived from on August 21, 2006. Retrieved April 23, 2015. Retrieved March 22, 2015. Sex-Interface-Aesthetics: The Docile Avatars and Embodied Pixels of Second Life BDSM. Dreamboys, Meatmen and Werewolves: Visualizing Erotic Identities in All-Male Comic Strips. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Archives of Sexual Behavior. See on WikiFur for more information. Archived from on 2014-11-29. Archived from on 2014-11-29. Archived from on 2007-02-04. Archived from on July 12, 2007. Retrieved June 25, 2010. Archived from on December 5, 2008. The Huffington Post B. Retrieved 27 December 2016. New York Daily News. Retrieved 27 December 2016. Furries among us: Essays on furries by the most prominent members of the fandom. Nashville, TN: Thurston Howl Publications. Retrieved December 27, 2016. Retrieved January 25, 2017. Creature Comfort: Anthropomorphism, Sexuality and Revitalization in the Furry Fandom. Mississippi State University, 2008.

I Signed My Friend up to a Furry Dating Site
Cub porn is prohibited. The first known furry convention,is no longer held; Califur has replaced it, as both conventions were based in. You MUST be 18 or older. Another survey found that 96. I've basically given up on finding someone in person since I can't find any girls big into gaming like myself and if I did, doubt they'd let me keep my furry internet life. This is basically the same advice with really any other glad, get active and get involved in meeting with people.

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